Vote 16
A split-second decision leads to a new spiral, and things just go from bad to worse. Loading…
Determine a hidden aspect of your fate by selecting a random number!
Whether you like it or not, you’re bound to end up in a scuffle. If you’re forced to fight, what style do you choose?
You’ve done a lot, but there are still things that need to be done. But what will you do?
After all that, it’s time to breathe and process things. What sort of approach do you have in mind? Loading…
After all that, it’s time to breathe and process things. What sort of approach do you have in mind? Loading…
You still have a few more hours before it’s time to strike. That’s plenty of time for your anxiety levels to rise, right..? Loading…
If you want to find out more about what happened last night, you may have to change your approach. What will you do? Loading…
You’ve attended your first duelling class with Captain Cedric, with mixed results for you and Ameronis. Will you continue attending the sessions?
You’re adventuring, and trying new things. This includes aspects of the nightlife! What’s your usual approach?