The Council Room

Cast Your Votes

Here, you can see all the votes, past and present, used to drive the story. This includes “hidden” votes not included in the Workshop parts that help determine more about you; “Valine“, and your basic details and attributes.

  • Vote 6

    You’ve got to settle your score somehow, but things aren’t going according to plan. Now what are you supposed to do..?

  • Vote 5

    With the immediate issue dealt with appropriately, now it’s time to plan your next course of action. The stranger… What will you do about them?

  • Vote 4

    After your action-packed day, your relaxing evening is disrupted once more…

  • More About You 1

    Put on the spot, you’ve got to act fast. Which of these names will you consider using?

  • Vote 3

    With the cold and dark coming in, a temporary truce is in order. The stranger asks you for your name…

  • Vote 2

    A talk with the enemy

    You crossed paths with the stranger, who disrupted your plans…