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What is happening?!
RanGen's web host, Falcoda Internet, seems to have collapsed, forcing RanGen offline. Until that issue is resolved, I'll be hosting RanGen's Gens here in the DunGen temporarily. There's a lot of little adjustments I need to make to get the Gens to work here, so please bear with me while I finish getting things set up; some features may be temporarily broken. I'll post updates about the situation on RanGen's social media accounts.
~ Ameronis

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With your help, RanGen can take over the world by tomorrow! >:D

And, y'know, create a bigger, better website too. :)

Want more Generators?
Check out these sites!

Chaotic Shiny Feath Donjon Seventh Sanctum

Worldbuilding Generators

Locations for your characters to frolic.
Generators for worldbuilding, scene setting and adventure planning.

City - A detailed description of a city and the standard of life there.

Country - Flesh out your world with this detailed set of country demographics.

Continent - A detailed general description for a continent and its features.

Currency - Creates a money system with names, values and multiple denominations.

Fantasy Race - Unique races to populate your worlds.

Fantasy Race Mixer - Real and fantasy peoples mixed together to create a unique race.

Laws - Rules to govern your cities.

Pet - Four-legged friends to make your character's lives complete.

Planet - A short, detailed description of a planet for a fictional setting.

Plant - Creates detailed realistic descriptions of a variety of plants

Solar System - Names and describes a star, its planets and the other celestial bodies in its system.

Species - Creates weird and wonderful aliens, animals and creatures.

Terrain - Detailed descriptions of natural terrains for your worlds.

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For a little burst of inspiration

Welcome to RanGen, a space that offers writing prompts and inspirational bursts creators of all shapes and sizes. I'm your host, Ameronis, and I'll be happy to take you on a wonderful, magical journey with the help of my many Gens.

Whether you're a writer, script-maker, artist, role-player, game-maker, or just someone looking for some fun, I'm sure you'll find a ton of interesting suggestions, from the inspiring and artistic, to the silly and downright baffling. If you're ever stuck for ideas, or are looking for seeds of inspiration, then RanGen is the place for you!

Got a question that's not answered in the FAQ? Have a Gen request that's not already on my Gen to-do list? Found a site problem that's not resolved by testing in another browser or clearing your cache? Or perhaps you just want to say hello? Let me know here, or message me on your preferred social media platform below!

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